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The Benefits of Using Swimming Pool Starting Blocks

Jun 15, 2022

Most competitive pools have starting blocks. Swimming pool starting blocks are the platforms that swimmers use to push off from during a competition. The platforms are regulated in competitive swimming. The platforms are required to be at least one foot and eight inches square and have the lane number displayed, according to Chron. What are the benefits of using swimming pool starting blocks?

The Starting Posture is Essential in Swimming

Starting blocks are one of the most important parts of competitive swimming. Getting off to a good start wins races. Pushing off while you are on your feet gives you the power that you need to move quickly through the water.

Different types of starting blocks are used in swimming and in foot races because they offer some clear benefits. The top three benefits of using starting blocks are listed below.

Standardized Starting Point

In competitive swimming, it is important to ensure that the playing field is even across the board. Starting blocks ensure that every swimmer in the competition starts off in the same position. Starting blocks, or “starting platforms,” give everyone a fair chance at success. They are used throughout the world in competitions.

Safety Enhancement

Areas around pools can be very slippery. There is a specific way that swimmers are trained to anchor themselves to starting blocks that help to reduce the risk of a slip and fall. It can be very difficult to maintain footing without a starting block. The block provides a surface for swimmers to grab onto before they enter the race. This can help to steady the swimmer and reduce the risk of injuries.

Utilizing Different Muscles

Swimming pool blocks can help with training and provide the swimmer with an advantage. Pushing off the side of the pool wall engages different muscle groups than pushing off a swimming block does. Swimming blocks help to fully engage the quads.

It is not just swimming athletes that can take advantage of the swimming platform. Anyone that wants to get in a good swim exercise session at home can use a swimming pool block as part of their training.

These blocks allow full muscle engagement, reduce the risk of injury, and give you that extra reach needed to make great times in the water. Learn more about swimming pool starting blocks and the benefits that they offer. Contact us to get started!

03 Jan, 2022
Here are some tips for using swimming pool starting blocks.
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